Roald Dahl's Matilda PROGRAM ADS
$75 - Half Page Ad
$125 - Full Page Ad
All performance partners will be listed in the program.
FRIEND: $200 to $499
- Full-page advertisement and 4 complimentary tickets
- Your name (or your business's name) on all printed advertisements (if submitted before printed) and on
PATRON: $500 to $999
- Full-page advertisement and 6 complimentary tickets
- Your name (or your business's name) on all printed advertisements (if submitted before printed) and on
- Souvenir show poster, autographed by the cast
- Your name (or your business's name) engraved on our Performance Partners plaque
BENEFACTOR: $1,000 to $1,999
- Full-page advertisement and 10 complimentary tickets
- Your name (or your business's name) on all printed advertisements (if submitted before printed) and on
- Souvenir show poster, autographed by the cast
- Your name (or your business's name) engraved on our Performance Partners plaque
- Full-page advertisement and 20 complimentary tickets
- Your name (or your business's name) on all printed advertisements (if submitted before printed) and on
- Souvenir show poster, autographed by the cast
- Your name (or your business's name) engraved on our Performance Partners plaque
- Full-color advertisement on back of program
The Matilda program will be printed, folded and stapled into a playbill-size booklet, 8.5" high by 5.5 "wide. With the exception of the back cover, all advertisements will be printed in grayscale.
Advertisements must be submitted copy-ready as a JPG, PNG, or PDF file, and should be uploaded at or emailed to [email protected].
The producer will not build your advertisements; please send it complete. Submitted advertisements will not be included unless payment has been received.
Tips for building an ad to showcase your business or honor an actor or technician:
All advertisements are due by 5pm on January 15 or until space is filled.
For any questions about sponsorship or program ads, please contact [email protected].
- Full-page advertisements will be printed at 8" high by 5" wide
- Half-page advertisements will be printed at 3.75" high by 5" wide
Advertisements must be submitted copy-ready as a JPG, PNG, or PDF file, and should be uploaded at or emailed to [email protected].
The producer will not build your advertisements; please send it complete. Submitted advertisements will not be included unless payment has been received.
Tips for building an ad to showcase your business or honor an actor or technician:
- Save your ad file in grayscale. What may look good in color may appear washed out or too dark when converted to grayscale (black and white). Convert it before you send it to the producer.
- New to building an ad? Ask a kid to help; many can put one together in minutes on their phone. Or do what they do and use an online service like Canva.
- Keep it simple. What looks good on your computer screen may look like a jumbled mess on a half-sheet of paper. Choose one or two photos rather than trying to fit in a dozen of your favorite snapshots.
All advertisements are due by 5pm on January 15 or until space is filled.
For any questions about sponsorship or program ads, please contact [email protected].